Neena Oza, RN


The process and scope of procedural/surgical informed consent has changed dramatically with emerging technologies, expanding medical knowledge, updated outcomes data and increased recognition of patient autonomy.  With the paradigm shifting towards ethical considerations of patient care and active involvement of patient’s in their treatment, medical practices and laws have evolved to guide communication standards between the patient and physician.  The delivery of all relevant information should enable the patient to make an informed decision regarding the procedure, while preserving the core principles of patient understanding and free consent, devoid of coercion or manipulation.[1],3  Additionally, education and counseling delivered during the informed consent should relieve the patient’s safety concerns related to procedures and to address patient knowledge deficiencies, present other alternative plans or procedures, as well as any possible perceived coercion related to noninvasive and invasive procedures.  The intent of this article will be to further explain the rationale for the performing provider, attending physician or surgeon, to be the sole person ultimately responsible for providing the patient with the goals, risks and benefits of the proposed treatment or intervention; and for the words and actions of any other medical team member (such as medical students or residents) that may assisting during the informed consent process.

[1] Deiter P. (2008). Informed consent and consent forms. The Permanente journal, 12(2), 53–54. doi:10.7812/tpp/07-065

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